World Wide Web

  • Day 1: #WP20 From Blogs to Blocks

    As WordPress comes upon it’s 20th birthday on May 27th, their marketing team have come up with an idea to get people writing about WordPress for the 20 days leading upto the big day. From Blogs to Blocks From Blogs to Blocks creates intentional moments for the WordPress community to reflect on the journey we’ve…

  • The Web Turns 30

    Now it’s time to celebrate a different birthday other than WordPress, it’s the web’s birthday today. Sir Tim Berners-Lee submitted he proposed a project based on the concept of hypertext to his boss at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) of which would later become the World Wide Web (and, a huge influence on the life…

  • New Websites Blog

    Welcome to my Websites blog where you will find posts about the websites I’m working on/have worked on both on WordPress and that I have coded myself, as well as information about articles that I have read from around the internet about new and exciting things happening with the world wide web.