Web Designer Blog

  • Influence U: Navigating the World of Social Media with a Degree

    In the ever-evolving world of social media, the pursuit of influence is taking a new academic turn. South East Technological University in Carlow, Ireland, has ventured into uncharted territory by offering a Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Media Influencing. What started as a summer program quickly transformed into a full-fledged degree, demonstrating the increasing…

  • WordPress 6.4 Roadmap Includes Typography Management Features, New Blocks, and Twenty Twenty-Four Default Theme

    Introduction The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and as a WordPress enthusiast, I’m excited to delve into the roadmap for WordPress 6.4. This upcoming release promises to introduce a host of impressive features, including enhanced typography management tools, innovative new blocks, and the Twenty Twenty-Four default theme. In this blog post, I’ll take a closer…

  • Automattic CEO Matt Mullenweg talks future of Tumblr, with algorithmic choice, AI enhancements and more

    Introduction As an avid follower of technological developments, I recently came across an article about an insightful interview with Automattic CEO Matt Mullenweg, where he discussed the exciting prospects that lie ahead for Tumblr. In this blog post, I’ll share my perspective on the intriguing advancements Mullenweg touched upon, including algorithmic choice, AI enhancements, and…

  • Concerns over the European Union’s Cyber Resilience Act

    Introduction In the digital age, the European Union’s (EU) Cyber Resilience Act (hereby called The Act) stands as a commendable effort to enhance cybersecurity and protect critical infrastructure. While the act’s objectives of bolstering cyber defenses and promoting collaboration are crucial, it is equally important to critically examine the potential risks and challenges associated with…

  • EU Cyber Resilience Act

    Introduction In an age where digital technologies drive innovation and progress, cybersecurity has become an essential pillar of national and international security. The European Union (EU) recognizes the growing importance of cyber resilience in safeguarding its digital infrastructure and has taken a significant step forward with the introduction of the Cyber Resilience Act. In this…

  • Learn How to Use WordPress Playground

    Are you ready to dive into the wonderful world of WordPress? Whether you’re an aspiring blogger, an enthusiastic developer, or a seasoned website owner, WordPress is an incredible platform that empowers you to create, customize, and manage websites with ease. To fully grasp its potential and experiment with its features safely, you need a playground.…

  • 6 3 Live Demo

    Get a first look at WordPress 6.3 with this recording of a live product demonstration. See recent improvements to the Site Editor, Patterns, Command Palette, and more. The following video can be found at the WordPress YouTube channel or more specifically, at the link to YouTube in the bottom right of the video. Introduction The…

  • WordPress Accessibility Day Secures Nonprofit Status for Annual Event, Calls for Speakers and Sponsors

    In the ever-evolving digital landscape, ensuring accessibility is of paramount importance, especially for websites and online platforms. WP Accessibility Day, an annual event dedicated to promoting web accessibility in WordPress, has reached a significant milestone by securing nonprofit status. This exciting development not only demonstrates the event’s commitment to its mission but also opens up…

  • WordPress.org Enables Commercial and Community Filters on Plugin and Theme Directories

    WordPress.org, the official directory for WordPress plugins and themes, has recently introduced new features that empower users to filter search results based on commercial or community-driven offerings. This significant update aims to enhance the browsing experience for WordPress users by providing more tailored options. By doing so they also are promoting a diverse ecosystem of…

  • WordPress cofounder Matt mullenweg on the ai revolution

    Below is an interview that Matt Mullenweg did with Jamie Marsland which you can see below and also at his youtube channel found by clicking on his name. The field of artificial intelligence (AI) has been rapidly advancing, revolutionizing various industries and aspects of human life. In the video found below, Matt Mullenweg, the visionary…